Building a successful sales team is not just about finding the right people and throwing them into the lion’s den. It’s about shaping them and teaching them about your products and services and helping them get better at selling them every day. Make sure they know what they’re selling Too many sales people think they’re […]
A marketer is like a mixing engineer: always in need to find the right balance for each channel to maximise global revenue and ROI. But prior to balancing the mix, there is a great deal of work to be done finding the right marketing channels. Which makes it essential to always stay in the front […]
One could wonder if there is still much difference between sales and marketing in the 21st century. The two functions seem more and more intertwined nowadays and it is a certainty that selling has changed a lot over the past decade and a salesman cannot rely anymore on mere abstract persuasion and charm as it […]
While Search Engine Optimisation is a long term process, Pay Per Click campaigns can be set up very quickly and help you get on top of the search engines in no time. To start with, let’s define what Pay Per Click is: it’s a form of online advertising where you only pay every time someone […]
Your first impulse when starting an Adwords campaign would probably be to put all your keywords in one single adgroup. Which would be wrong. Let’s get back to the jewellery example and assume that amongst other things you’re selling silver and copper jewellery. Having all your keywords in the same adgroup would mean several things: […]
Your Google Account has the following structure: Account / Campaign / Adgroup. Most of the time you will only need one account which can contain up to 10,000 campaigns (it was only 25 up to recently), 20,000 adgroups per campaign, 5,000 keywords per adgroup, 4 million ads per account, up to 3 million keywords per […]
The very first step before creating a campaign is to find keywords related to your activity, keywords people will type in search engines for which your business should be seen. A few tools are available to help you find these like the Adwords Keyword Tool . How does it work? Select your country, type your […]