Landing pages are extremely important for many reasons: First of all, they’re part of the Google formula to calculate the quality score of your keywords. The content of your page needs to be closely related to those keywords to get a higher score. Hence the importance of having a specific ad and landing page for […]

Once you have a good list of keywords, you will need to create your first ads. Your text will be limited so you need to find something that is both appealing to potential customers and also true to what your business does. Remember that you want only relevant users to click on your ads. If […]

Negative keywords are extremely useful when you’re working with broad match. You can add them to a list at adgroup or campaign level where you can specify keywords you don’t want your ads to appear for. For example if you have the keyword Jewellery as a broad match in your campaigns but are not selling […]

Match type is the possibility to determine when ads will show for a particular keyword. There are 3 different match types: broad, phrase or exact. Let’s take an example with the keyword Copper Jewellery. Broad match Setting it as broad match means that your ads can appear if someone types Blue Copper Hand-Made Jewellery. As […]

Let’s not fool ourselves, search engine optimisation and getting listed in the natural listings of Google for keywords related to your activity is a tough process. Or at least a long-term one. And it’s sometimes difficult to predict what the outcome of any ‘optimisation’ will be. First of all the term natural listings should be […]

So why is email marketing regularly dismissed as a useless channel or a waste of time? Its death is announced every few months in blogs but marketing emails keep flowing in everyone’s inboxes. The reason for this dismissal is simple: a big misconception of what email marketing is or should be. And this misconception comes […]

Social media have been a big part of everybody’s lives for a few years now. Websites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or LinkedIn are amongst the top ones when it comes to active users and daily visitors. So is it important for your business to have a presence on those websites? How do you engage users […]

A marketer is like a mixing engineer: always in need to find the right balance for each channel to maximise global revenue and ROI. But prior to balancing the mix, there is a great deal of work to be done finding the right marketing channels. Which makes it essential to always stay in the front […]

While Search Engine Optimisation is a long term process, Pay Per Click campaigns can be set up very quickly and help you get on top of the search engines in no time. To start with, let’s define what Pay Per Click is: it’s a form of online advertising where you only pay every time someone […]